[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

Dad help

@Magnus serious question, have the game started yet or do we need one more player first?

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1 more

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My dad ability stops all kills on my son and says fortnite is dead. Tetris 99 is whats cool now

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THe game hasnā€™t started.

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Wazzamon will join in 8 hours

Dust falls for the ceiling, more concentrated than before.


Iā€™m not a fox :frowning:

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Says the fox

GamerPoke starts to dance. He looks awkward.

join us so i can kill you first

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Sorry, I keep thinking of firefox.



Keep going son! As they say you got the move like Jagger

I didnā€™t read the op at all

Yes dad

THe game has begunā€¦

I win