[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

/drops padlock down the fountain



Wasted my damn padlock

Listen, the trapdoor probs opens when we pull the lever

the water Simon disturbed begins to rise.

And the only way to get to the trap door is to flood the room and swim to the top


not a waste. we get a good bit more information

lets pull the lever then

Pulls lever

Damn you all

/dive into the Fountain

Time to drown

the water keeps rising.

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/also takes the rope and lassos marg

/Pull lever

It can’t be trapped

The trapdoor opens as you hold the lever down.

/Let’s go of lever

/try to recover padlock

I just want my padlock ;(

/tie rope around lever on one end and knife on the other

The trapdoor begins to close as you let go.

/actualy no, the safe not the knife

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Okay that’s how this works

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