[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

whats it like

There are five chairs in a circle. However the chairs all have electronics straps, like the buckle at a carnival ride. In the middle is a table with a single gun, and one bullet.

Russian roulette

ā€¦but there are 6 of us i think

Iā€™ll just sit this one out guys dw

okay, so no tricks this time i guess.
one of us will have to be shot in order to open the door

/picks up the gun and bullet

@Magnus is there anything preventing the gun from being picked up?

we will find out now

Canā€™t we dip the bullet in the medical bottle

also i would like to ask that you hand it to me.
yall know im a sane and careful one

i suspect dipping it like that might make it caustic

at the end of the day someone may have to die. Who cares of the sanity of the holder


the knifeā€™s blade had an acid like burning sensation last room

How do you know?

because ill respect whatever decision we come to regardless of my opinion of it

Iā€™m back.

Fire Kitten took the gun.

because i accidentally touched the blade when picking it up

Simon that doesnā€™t sound like healing medicine

what did you put on it