[MISC] Escape Room Redux (6/7) Chat currently decommissioned

“Unless you mean one of us may strike”


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(HeLlO, iMa SeRiAl KiLlEr AnD I hAvE DrEAms AbOuT ShAnKinG JaMES)

DeathNote is the superior anime. Begone, Code Gearse.

Oh goodness I just woke up… :joy:

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Ah. My iPad will die soon, but i’ll be on in two hours or so. Discuss things. Trust no one except yourself. Listen to the current authority, but when things go south, which they will, break off an alliance.
(That’s not a clue, btw)

That sounds ominous…

That’s because it is. Everyone has a Subgoal, which could vary from save a life to kill everyone. To find order in chaos the group formed the Arbiters, James, Simon, Boss110, who are charged with preventing murder.

I’ll process actions after.


Back on.

I’m here.

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I’m on too.

Freya, you wouldn’t happen to have a loan of a torch or flashlight, would you?

Oops. Sorry James, I don’t have one unfortunately.

Me neither

Are we allowed to talk about our sub goals and items? Or should that remain undisclosed?

I don’t see why we shouldn’t

You can talk about it, if you wanted

I will keep mine hidden for now though unless it’s necessary