[MISC] Escape Room Redux (6/7) Chat currently decommissioned

Know it, how many do you found?

I just realised. Us three are in the Dark, correct? Everyone else is in the light?


Uhh, I don’t think so

Oh. How did Freya find the battery then?

We can just kick the door open right

I found it just fumbling about in the darkness

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I found a flashlight, needs 2 batteries.

Perhaps check the cells?

I’ve got one battery.

i think we’re all in the dark

/move my hands along the floor searching for things

Simon searched on the floor.

aight i found a piece of metal but no batteries

(Sorry guys our internet provider has stuffed up again, its getting fixed tommorow)

“Ill check the cells.”

Good news I found a 2nd battery in James cell!

“We’re about to learn if they have power in them.”

/Give the Battery to James

the flashlight contains 1 battery.