[MISC] Escape Room Redux (6/7) Chat currently decommissioned


@ margaret?


I’m down to try and not die :joy:


This will begin 2019-08-01T23:00:00Z if everyone has filled in their sheets. If someone new joins before then, they can still join, but the game will start regardless.

You have been warned.

uhh ill be asleep then

It’s fine. Might be later, just depends.


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………(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´

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(Oh :frowning: I was looking forward to Magnus’s big post and then he canceled it)

You woke up to find yourself in a Dungeon. Everyone was in a cell. You could see outside your cell into others. The doors were locked. Some cells were bigger than others. These people shared cells.

@sulit, @DirectorHail and @Emilia have single cells, containing a bed, a toilet and a barred window. @Simon shares a cell with @FreyaPlays and @Boss110 shares a cell with @James. The double cells have two beds, a toilet and a barred window.

Lemme see…
/examine the bars on the window.

One bar was loose.

/try to pick the lock to my cell

@discobot roll 2d100

:game_die: 74, 32

Sulit picked the lock.

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/look under my bed

Sulit looked under the bed.

Tip - Some Feedback will be announced in your Card rather than publicly. This is because YOU found it, not everyone. You can do private actions in your ClassCard as well.

/look outside the window

/pick sell lock