[MISC] Escape Room Redux (6/7) Chat currently decommissioned


everyone has left the chat

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Sulit stumbled and fell out of the storeroom as the scorpion landed behind him. It turned to @Simon.

/bat away the scorpion, maneuvering my hands to not touch the stinger

No donā€™t do that

Stay still

Back away slowly

were you stung

I donā€™t think so

Thereā€™s cat food and spiders in there

The scorpion hit the wall and dropped, turned back to Sulit.

Is there anyone between me and it or near me


/step on it
(im wearing shoes)


Donā€™t get close to it REEE

Get far away Simon

im close enough to you to bat it away with my hands

/push Simon out of the way

Sulit raised a gun and shot it.