[MISC] Escape Room Redux (6/7) Chat currently decommissioned

Are you sure about that?

hja is just showing they have it.
not touching it or making us touch it



may i see it for one moment?
i promise ill give it back im not just going to flipping carry two mannequins

/get as far away from hja as possible while still remaining in the room

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/get as much closer to everyone as possible


Mine or hjas

I’m assuming mine

im not touching hja’s with a 39.5 foot pole at the moment

/hand Simon the mannequin with green in it

/run close to simon

Dear god can we lock hja somewhere

/tear off like a 1 foot-long piece of fabric and dip it in the green potion

what did I do

You’re being scary

i dont know that potion
i know enough to be deathly afraid of it

thats was a prank its actually purple

i know enough of potions in general*
because its unknown