MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Corrupt Cops aren’t Psychotic though

oh I thought the Bomber was immune to their own bombs. they ain’t as busted as I thought

*VLDR Bomber Mist1422 trauma intensifies*




That moment when so few people react to mod comments.

V accurate that I literally just derped around for like first half of game. My ability was so so strong lol.

Oh sorry, didn’t know it was a reactiontest.

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I thought emilia played it p well for someone who was anti killing the tycoon but hung out with tycoon killers for most of the game lol


Yeah, she did fine lol

When someone who wasn’t in the game reacts

Except eevee, who is sitll stuck in limbo.

i think an eternity in the void is only slightly better than dying

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Host ignoring your actions to modkill you for inactivity, forcing me to appeal to mod team, mod team deciding that he shouldn’t of killed me, but Mole deciding that whatever, keep eevee dead.

Yeah, I had soooooo much fun.
Fair hosting 100% of time.

@Moleland If you loved my strats so much as you write in your summary, why the fuck did you want to keep me dead? Cause you didn’t.

Truth is you wanted revenge for anime fm, when I refused to accept action post-deadline.

GOOD JOB, YOU DID IT. You made me want to never play your games again.
But you got your revenge. Good job.

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The only place actions were accepted were role cards. I made no exceptions

You may have a tini tiny case about maybe deserving more time. You had time to answer a minor post… But not a pm? I find that doubtful. And do you think you deserve the benefit of the doubt when you abuse someone who just wants everyone to have fun? The only reason you hadn’t already been modkilled was because I didn’t want to disadvantage Marshal

U 2 were both wrong get over it

So where is all the talking about that I didn’t accept your actions before (And explaining how does it affect current game)?

Where is admiting that you was outing peoples roles / wincons / current status / plans?

Where is you saying that you didn’t explain to me why my action is invalid?

Yeah. Thanks Mole.
Tiny case?

You shouldn’t try to take a revenge and now saying it’s my fault.

I mean I revealed some info so you wouldnt feel bad about playing to your wincon. I revealed no ones plan.

If I wanted revenge, why wouldn’t I screw you earlier with a mine or something?