MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Security door always activates upon entrance

The plague doctor is immune.

2 turns after being infected, victims will be informed. Anyone in a room with an infected living person becomes infected

Just an add on, vials can only infect people at the end of a turn. So a target must still be in the room to successfully infect them

Is this a sign up?

Oh lordā€¦ Isnā€™t that basically VLDR Aristocrat 2.0?

Depends on how close together people get

Butā€¦ doesnā€™t that mean that people need to keep saying that they avoid the others?

Loners are more vulnerable to psychos and security. Groups vulnerable to a plague doctor infiltration

Iā€™d rather die from a Serial Killer than from an unavoidable plagueā€¦
At the very least I can fight back the Serial Killers. Plague? No way I can win against that.

You have been marked for death.

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Yeah. That one is a better way to die rather than the Plague.
Plus, I can always abuse @Simonā€™s kindness if need to be.

Dat Birb better rand the Plague Doctor

then he can change his PfP to match it


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I just noticed this now, but whatā€™s the difference between revenge and self-defence?
If there is a difference, then why does the Medicā€™s description imply that they can kill for revenge?

Alsoā€¦ it sucks that literally only this role can cure the plague.

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Lol ok. Maybe I will


Lazy formatting. They arenā€™t allowed to attack so they canā€™t kill in revenge.

Soā€¦ I can just make it as if revenge is never a thing to begin with?
Since there is no role that is equivalent of a [Lover]?

Other roles can if they want. But they probably need to be ruthless at least to pursue someone a long distance

Butā€¦ I donā€™t understand it.
Only the Kidnapper differentiates between revenge and self-defense, while all others have the same sanity penalties when it comes to those two.