MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Ur allowed to rolexlaim here tho?

That is ridiculous. Plague Doctor being immune to Plague, I understand. But a bomb is an exploding weapon FFS.

I miss ol good intercom mechanic.

ā€¦? What is that?

Mechanic where you could tlak in thread about ANYTHING, but as long as you are in room with intercom.
And like 3 rooms in whole building had it.

So if you wanted to announce something or kill someone, you had to make sure there is / isnā€™t intercom in the room.


You can alwasy talk, but are limited to about what you are talking.
Kindaā€¦ ehhh?

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Itā€™s NAI here though

Yeet 10 bucks I die by a trap


You are already on floor 7?


Oh is that when they start. I donā€™t get this too much

Traps start earlier, but they are more about incapaciating.
Well I guess getting sleep darted near enemymeans you are as well as dead.

But traps which are deadly in themselves start of floor 7 up.

But tbh getting knocked out in game where half of game wants to kill you isā€¦
Most likely meaning you will die yourself. Yeah.

Walks into a room

Sees someone on the floor

Panic sets in

I mean if thatā€™s true, only reason this would be real on turn 2 is The Haunted.

So likeā€¦ protect them if you want to kill the tycoon and kill them otherwise.


I will.

Iā€™m getting Danganronpa flashbacks just from reading that.

This Danganronpa

just its tower edition.


so how much are we allowed to talk about in here?

Taunting and memes.

Also, we can lie.

Like lying about bomb exploading at mid 4 and covering all adjectant rooms you mean?

Or am I?


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Mehā€¦ kinda weak for a lie.
