MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

What Turn is it now?

title says it

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I am doubting the title.


Did you think I was going to ask if I didn’t doubt it? Also, it was Turn 19 when I asked my question.

And now it is different

Fair point.




I feel ofended by song above as it’s associated with assasination of mayor of city Gdańsk in Poland. :eyes:

why didnt u ping me

Cause you are american.

so is chloe and arete?

Yeah, but I didn’t ping you becouse YOU are american.

ok, that makes 0 sense but ok

Let me show you how it works.

Would you eat taco with a spicy sauce?
Would you eat muffin with a spicy sauce?

They both have spicy sauce, but since the base is different, the outcome is as well.

Most people woukd only take offense


yolo sure

but ur comparison is of two American people to one American person

Yes, but they are different people.

Maybe them being american doesn’t matter, but it does for you?

why is that?

I was more asking cause I thought u wanted mods to do something about it lol