MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Bulgaria up 104%

Japan up 769% since last ranking :^)

Whew boi. Time to lighten the mood

That means someone died of boredom in tower? Sure

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Nope nope nope nope nope nope

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I cant wait to find out what all these actually mean post game lol

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Let’s spice things up with a title change


:eye: :eye:


lol 5 people suck

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hippo is almost definitely dead because of this comment


nah im just rude


this post is poop brown instead of warning orange which is an issue

im gonna flag it


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I’d hate to default people now turns are so critical lel


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All in seriousness, 1 hour until peeps risk the default

Don’t forget actions people

When a player asks you, the host, if they can kill the host