MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

are you allowed to ask if specific ppl are alive here?

Not really. You should just assume everyone is dead and alive

Superposition of dead and alive, huh?

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I’ll be processing the turn soon. Get your actions in soon


I’m just going to ping random players and remind them to make actions soon


Ok? Ok

pings reeee

i didn’t forget i was merely
(insert more blatant lies because i’m too busy to make more)

Mole, can we get a status check of each floor?

1 to 5 mostly corpses

5 to 8 mix

9 - 12 mix

Do you mean 1 to 4?


Hm… alright then.

I’ve nearly finished the first season/book (Water) and I am actually rlly enjoying it. It’s got great art style and more complex storylines and characters than I’d expect from a children’s show.

It is still for children tho and quite simple so I’m doing a paint by numbers at same time lol.


Yeah it does a good job of dealing with more serious topics and emotions while still remaining very kid friendly. Glad you’re enjoying it!


I’m 3 episodes from finishing whole thing and I’m actually really sad, the second season in particular is amazing.

Highly highly recommend to anyone else.

Theres legend of korra that somehow connects to it. Never watched the show but I know they are connected

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Welp. The gamble failed.

I’m about to start watching final episode and I’m so sad it’s such a goood showw

Mole i saw there is a prison and it is like being dead but not. Are people in prison included in the 5 players alive?