MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

how did this happen


went to 0 sanity

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if i was awake in time to react i might’ve actually won this game

Emilia self shot and AtEd in endgame

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Eevee shot him and he could barely move.

I also revealed he couldnt win

if i axed gorta while he was dousing, he wouldn’t have had time to ignite because of the fire axe already being swung into them
then all i had to do was murder every last person in the tower who’s name wasn’t “marshal” or “emilia”

She wouldn’t have had it any other way.

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revive him one more time and kill him again and this is just a repeat of deus ex

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you should’ve seen the hyperescalation

I was going to but sentry bot had other plans

also sorry for making you lose you were my closest ally lol @Emilia

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Me and Zone who had 3 Fireaxes combined and was going for the Tycoon together: haha, ez.
One Scary Sentry Bot Boi: no no, you don’t go there.

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this escalated very quickly

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Most of the fireaxes were spent on opening doors though.

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mine was spent on opening gorta


you died too

@Zone_Q11 @N.1 apologies for prodding you guys into action, but I wanted to actually end the game before Christmas lol

i dont mind lol

I got what i deserved
my decision to farm and durdle the game away deprived me of valuable information that i needed to have any chance of winning the game without a coin flip