MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

neither do I

i’ve had it for a while

this seemed like a semi-appropriate time to use it

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i like how the dark one is just the dark one
no alignment
no mental state
just darkness.

Likely Psychotic Criminal.

the dark one is the dark one

I don’t like ’ Survivor’ roles normally.

I just realised I should probably read the OP.

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I still don’t understand this part.

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Let’s look at an example

Left 8 (20 - 55/30%)

The trap roll for this room is fixed between 20 and 55 points. From that number, I decide which trap spawns in this room.

There is also a 30% chance some sort of obstacle is in this room too.

…oh. Now I understand.
Alright, I’m in.


When does this start?

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When it fills, or sign ups stall

Humu… Hopefully not until after the 25th.

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Are you not able to pop in and make a move a few times a day?

I mean… I got exams soon.
I can pop in and all, but… preferably not.

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Just do what you can

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i dont really understand this and im already in a game so i’ll just watch

if possible, put me as informed spec but it’s fine if u can’t

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What’s puzzling you?

So… despite the con of unable to search and go up, the pros is that we cannot trigger traps?

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i think i understand most if not all of the mechanics but i think it’d be easy to understand once i see it in practice

like there r 3 rooms per lvl right? how exactly does game progress for all, does eveyrone have to work together or what

i just need to see it in practice really tbh


People can work together. If they feel they can trust the other person.

The game moves in turns