[Misc] Forum Battle Royale - Round 25 (1/10) - Jane is the victor!


Just checked and deadline for actions is in 22 minutes.

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Yes it is and I realize how little actions we have with 8 yeesh

Me too but I think itā€™s enough.

You call that little?
I am only complaining about the duration of a round, but the amount of turns in one round is sufficient.

Processing Round 2 actions now


In an hour or so, or however long processing takes, weā€™ll find out if Nerbins stood still like I wanted him to. I attacked randomly for 6 of my actions after equipping my weapon and body armor. Iā€™m hoping to kill one of the people next to me and heavily damage the other. Too bad I canā€™t kill both of them this round. Oh well.

ā€¦I really gotta wonder why you are making enemies this early.

If everything goes the way I planned it, itā€™ll be one less opponent to worry about and Nerbins strikes me as one of those slacking trees.

inb4 all of Leafiaā€™s shots miss and Nerbins OTKs Leafia

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Laughs That would be insanely bad luck on my part.

ā€¦the attack target was random.
Odds of hitting with Assault Rifle on Range 1 is 80%.
Damage is 3; 4HKO.
6 shots, 2 targets.

Rather than missing, I am more worried that Leafia didnā€™t target a specific player.
Nerbinsā€¦ unless he has a Katana or a Shotgun, heā€™ll never outpower Leafia.

I do know he looted an SMG from my square before moving west and when Round 3 starts, Iā€™m moving far away from my current location.

Me with a sniper rifle about to headshot Leafia

Yā€™know, this kinda makes me wonder.

@Whysper, suppose that Player X is at (0,1) and Player Y is at (1,1).
Player Y moves west, heading towards Player X.
Player X shoots Player Y with Assault Rifle.

What will go first? The movement or theā€“
Never mind. I remember that the action order is randomized each round.

What happens is you learn if the RNG Gods like you or not.

That and if he believed me, heā€™ll be staying put this round.

Hmā€¦ I see.
I donā€™t recommend going North-East by the way.

Sniper takes 3 hits to kill. 4 if Leafia has Body Armor.

I have body armor.

@Nerbins btw

we gonna talk about it or not?