[Misc] Forum Battle Royale - Round 25 (1/10) - Jane is the victor!


Amongus 2 FM

We share 1 collective brain cell apparently

I would think they should make an exception for voluntary blacklists. Like you could specify a blacklist for just certain games.

Yeah, when I saw that, I was so glad I got the game started already. :slight_smile: I think Leafia mentioned when signing up that they were blacklisted but could still play Miscs at that time.

you never know with these guys :^)

Yeah. Maybe cause people were complaining that mods were too lenient so now they’ll go full force the other way and start getting harsh and strict. :slight_smile:

me constantly

Haha, backfiring on you then :slight_smile:

not really backfiring on me

I do keep telling them to actually have a backbone though

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Hey Jane do you wanna be friends

6/10 players have locked actions

Little less than 12 hours to deadline

7/10 players have locked actions

Around 7 hours to deadline


actually it’s just that both of us have lots of ideas and neither of us know how to balance them

Friendly reminder to do your shit

8/10 players have locked actions

Just over 1 hour to deadline

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one of the people refusing to lock is me
come fight me if you want it to go faster


This seems like a really good way to die first

Processing Round 4 Action Phase


Round 5

The red force field has shrunk the battlefield!

The action deadline is 2021-04-15T16:00:00Z. In your PM, you can /lock to lock your actions. If everyone does this, then processing can begin earlier.