[Misc] Forum Battle Royale - Round 25 (1/10) - Jane is the victor!

Is that before, or after she realized the Truce mechanic exists?

So, you see, Jane is a special case
And I agreed not to kill Jane
I follow contracts to the letter

Anyway, I just wanted you to edit a ā€œTriple Killā€ thing in

Apparently my job now is to be the League announcer guy or something


This is correct

Good men die. I chose to live.

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If youā€™re not gonna inadvertently help Aelin then I give you ā€œpretty coolā€ privileges

Bold of you to assume I need help

Remember what I said?

I will say: pray i donā€™t find body armor
cause iā€™d probably become nigh immortal

I have an undisclosed amount of land mines
a katana
an assault rifle
a shotgun
a sniper rifle
and an undisclosed amount of medkits

Oh, and just because I think it would be hilarious, thereā€™s an extra katana and an assault rifle on (11, 10)

How am I helping Aelin bruh

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I misinterpreted this as something else
Intensify youā€™re pretty cool again

Thereā€™s some in Zoneā€™s stash

Oh, is that so?

I feel like thatā€™s a lie

Itā€™s actually not
1 body armor and three med-kits

Heā€™s not lying. I planned to make a stash there, WHEN SOMEBODY SUDDENLY BARGES IN THROUGH THE LAND MINE.