[MISC] Karma - (canned)

Court Proceedings Update -
Attorney to represent the Police
Lawyer to represent the Accused - @Shurian
The Accused - @KyoDaz

Boy I’ll represent the police.

This act requires one detective to support your role.
This can be as simple as /Support Hail

Cmon I’ve said so many good things about you!

Quote one.

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I verbally abused one! But in a good way!

Jake you genius

Hail has been modkilled. They were:

I was DirectorHail, y’all will never know my abilities.

Night ends in 24 hours.

/Murder… I MEAN, Cuddle poisoned squid.

/Support Hail
Stop me Magna.

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Me and Hail were just talking about this lol.

Journalist Cain will be the Attorney.
Lawyer Katsuya will be the Defendant.
Journalist TessA is the Accused.

All this will be done in a dm, anyone who wants to watch dm me.

Oh well, come get me murderer.

You ain’t got the balls

Inb4 TessA is Dante


Hello I’m here

yall need a judge

Got one literally ten minutes ago.