[MISC] Karma - (canned)

Can someone please write a newspaper report on the Tank situation?


Sue them

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Oh boy now I have 2 stories to write about.

Also pro tip to all the journalist’s you don’t have to write a story about the murderer, if anything the public would want info on other things. Good things.

perhaps someone could write a story on how anyone following the law is better for everyone due to how order in society works?


Thats an excellent idea!

This post has been flagged for being inappropriate and impossible. Make your goals possible in the future.

This post has been flagged because I said so

This post has been flagged because it has been flagged

The flagged post that was flagged got flagged because it was flagged.

The post was flagged, end of story.

Ok Boomer.

This post wasn’t flagged

Okay nerd

even if its a lie lets yellow journalism the public in this trying time

This game has unfortunately been canned, due to unforeseen events.

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I know the TRUE reason.

Murder has been found

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I did the Maurdering!

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