[MISC] Karma - (canned)

I was going to make a joke but can your post be flagged if your post is slightly inappropriate?(Don’t ask me in which field, and it’s not racism or sexism.)

Who isnt

I don’t know man, you’ll think I’m a creep.

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Stuff it, this’ll destroy my reputation and Magnus and somebody else will hate me. IDC though.

You aren’t allowed to counter attack

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, witness comedy a teenager at their finest moment.

My passive allow me to ignored all block and armour

I can’t do it, you’ll all hate me.

PM me, at worst I will cry for 3 hours straight

If you take a screenshot and post it here I’m done with you.

Don’t exposed my plan

Don’t think any less of me when you see it.

Can confirm that Hail will be the first one to died

What Magnus looks like here


What he actually looks like


@Magnus Because I know you hate pings.

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We found Hail dead last night.

Aha the killer is Magnus since how did he know that hail is dead?

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Because I am the MMU God.

Ouch that means I am a pawn


Has this been canned?