[MISC] Karma - (canned)

I’m loving this
I’m just here for the articles

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It’s really funny.

Actually, that feels more of a transcript from a TV show, a very, very biased one.

The next thing you know… The murderer goes back and kills Rosé cuz NO ONE SHALL LIVE




Crazy Town Mastakiller on loose

As we all know, there is a murderer on loose. He has killed 15 people so far because of his insanity. The stabbing has gone too far and it might just be about time to give this man his own name. The police have suspected that this man or woman, whoever it might be, lives to kill because he has a purpose, but perhaps, he might also just be crazy. Like all of us .

Mayhaps, we can call this guy the Crazy Town Mastakiller . It sounds like the right name for this guy, wouldn’t you agree. You all might be worried, but don’t be. The detectives are on this case and taking a big priority on this case. So worry not!

~Luke Cross


My Little Pony Fan: Off the Leash!

I’ve decided to rename the killer. We will call them a MlP:FiM fan instead. There is conclusive evidence left at the scene this is the case.

We found this evidence at the scene.

My articles are trash and just a money-making scheme. Read Tess Ardent’s articles instead.
My articles are about as removable from the shelves as these posters are.
~Luke Cross


LOL damn Tessa

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I can’t stop laughing

I’ll give you all a hint of what is about to happen


Magnus - i’m stronger than you
Kyo - Uno reverse card.
Magnus - 0.0

This’ll be making the headlines.

I can’t stop pissing myself.
This is hilarious.

Its too funny, please help

Oh lord i cant this is comedy gold


I mean, bullshit can be quite shiny.

Its not shiny its sparkling

REVERSE REVERSE! (into people)


Lol Kyo you obviously forged this.

Oh wait I just remembered.
@DirectorHail I recorded the conversation too.

(Did a simple mind just match up to a complex mind?)
/Proudness 100
Im the simple mind btw

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