[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

Which ones can poor players join

Permanency is mine

im going insanity

everyone else, fuck off


Wait if I’m insane I wont’ die if I’m in majority room right

Will this be announced?


I just can’t read

I’m going to vault m bois

bring the money

I would have kept my Saint if it weren’t for you meddling kids.


you got like a 1/9 lucky chance of not dying lmfao

Poor people probably guaranteed to pick permanency since permanency being in the pool means that getting a status effect restoration in next slot is very unlikely
That’s confirmed 2 votes going there

Lmao you should be greatful it was a 1/9 chance of living bud


Well some dude got pulled off Cards instead

lmao imagine being that person

you still woulda been majority lmfao

If Gravity took Geyde away I would be happy
