[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

this be not looking good for me pal

Insanity is the best one to have majority since one person guaranteed doesnā€™t die

might dip

If you dip permanency youā€™ll die
And Iā€™ll die
And Hippo will die
And Em

if you dip evil, even if you donā€™t die, you likely die later

3 poor people are forced to pick permanency so if anyone else does theyre a dumbo

Only 2 people are poor
Iā€™ve locked in permanency so anyone else joining is suicide for them

nah 3 are

oh n1 died just 2

N.1 died

So me, you, and em are p likely safe for this round

jgoes is basically garunteed safe

im safe for this round but in a poor position next round

nah if i didnt have have poor id have still joined permanency for the memes someone else probably will lolz

also my squad is protected from 3-3-3-3 split p sure

How did i get a coin

tied for closest to being maj with life wagon

oh i see i didnt read OP. this is different to the one i normally do

im fucked with a 3/3/3/3 split

so donā€™t choose us in evil if you want to live

only way I die with a 3/3/3/3 split is if everyone who joins on vault has coin

changing to evil