[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

I feel like 95% of people either have an animal pfp or an anime pfp here lol.

FM idea: Animal v Anime

We will take over

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I used to have an anime pfp.

Anime or cat*

3 hours and 40 minutes remain.

there is a live countdown man its on the room 2 choices

I know man but I’m bored.

As you saw the clock ticking down, you became more and more nervous. What if other people thought the same way you did, maybe you even were in the majority room right now? Was there even anything you could do to avoid your impending doom? Maybe switch to Insanity, and pray for a miracle? Or Evil, and hope you’d be un-cursed the next round? Whatever your choice, you had to decide quickly.

Some psychological warfare because I’m bored.

The End approaches.


The Frog approaches

I lock the door of the Evil Room.

I slowly go Insane.

You’d be lucky to. It’s that or dying.


@Braixen the countdown ended 10 minutes ago and I’m impatient.

Aaaaaaaa what’s taking so long?

Maybe it’s because the countdown was wrong? The picks were given at 22:46 (for me) After all, which is still 4 hours and 34 minutes more.

That’d suck though.