[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

If we get cursed again do we just survive another round?

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if you get cultist or saint you survive

oop we going holy gamers

oh fuck cultist is a thing too


Holy is not 100% giving you saint it is random

nah im going holy


We going cult room then I call it marshal

Stay out

nah but those boomers are gonna have to pick force then and its a crapshoot

im going holy

Im already there just saying. 3/8 is risky

I’m going Force.

Wait but if I get cursed from holy then I die immediately assuming it’s not the majority room?

no if u get cursed again you still survive i think

If you survive the round either by gaining a new status affect or living somehow you lose your cursed affect

I don’t think so

Force bby

I’ll get randed into holy


holy im still going holy

I’m going secrecy :eyes: