[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

nope, sorry its filled

You’re the only person there lmfao.

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Yes its filled, im kinda big

I will stay in the corner I swearz

So me and Geyde are in Force
Marshal is in Holy
And Sulit and DatBird are in Secrecy.

everyone go force and then one person randomly wins you cowards

the fact that everyone from the marshall squad is still in is kinda hilarious not gonna lie

but yeah im going force and hope rngesus is with me and yeets me into another room

It’s because we’re gamers, duh.

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I’m going force

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Everyone shld go force and one winner is chos3n

I’m already in Force.



Playing by rng to get sent into holy
seems legit

thanks for your valiant sacrifice btw napoleon

I’m going to randomly win I’m telling you.

go force you cowards

Whos there and who isnt?