[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

No zoomer

We are going to play Russian roulette

even Marshal?

I will join secrecy and call everyone else to go over if you donā€™t join force

marshal is going saint

So by that logic its scary to go force and we cant have our one person win

jgoes always goes saint
you kidding me?


he said he was in force

going holy saves people from cursed for one round btw
@Braixen can confirm

Weā€™re near endgame
You think someone doesnā€™t bluff

hmm i guess ur right, but what do i get out of it. Force seems like everyones gonna die

Like theres been no point for me to lie thus far

Fuck you, fine

me / hippo / emilia canā€™t go anywhere but force / secrecy, but can be sent holy by force
Marshal / Sulit probably canā€™t risk force
secrecy is the most hotly contested pick for cursed people since holy carries risk that you wonā€™t survive next round

whos cursed? idk havent really been paying attention and why cant yall go holy

Sulit / Marshal
ā€œYou can be cursed againā€ despite gaining another status effect clearing the last one

Nah you canā€™t

do you clear last status effect by gaining a new one

I just dont see the point in me not going secrecy, and throwing away my game and going in force