[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

Person Coins
Marshal :yellow_circle:
Jgoesgaming :yellow_circle::yellow_circle:
Hippolytus :yellow_circle::yellow_circle:
Geyde :yellow_circle:
Emilia :yellow_circle::yellow_circle:
Nuclear Burrito :yellow_circle:
Datbird :yellow_circle:
Sulit :yellow_circle:

What’s your room?


i left force to go holy for the dank memes

You physically cannot

why not

exclamation mark room

ur an exclamation mark

Ugh shit hold up i’m late

@sulit you have 10 min to pick a room

@Hippolytus You can’t pick holy

i pick force


you have to dm me lol


Force - Emilia, Hipp (2)
Holy ! - Marsh, Jgoes (2)
Secrecy - Nuclear, Geyde, Datbird, Sulit (4)

Force was activated and Emilia was switched to Secrecy

Final Results

Force Hippolytus (1)
Holy ! Marshal, Jgoes (2)
Secrecy - Nuclear, Geyde , Datbird, Sulit, Emilia (5)

Marshal now has the Saint affect! And is no longer Cursed
Nuclear Burrito is no longer Insane
Nuclear Burrito is now a Cultist
JGoesgaming is now Cursed

(Not posting coin count cuz there was no tie, just know that Marshal now has 2 coins and Jgoes is fucking rich)

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Lol Nuclear gets his own private room

lmao what the fuck


Round 4 Room Choices

Betrayal !
[ Divide ]

You have 72 hours to pick and discuss


Wait so do final 3 win?