[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

that’s what i did in force, you were heads and emilia was tails.

Yeah that’s basically how it has to go

Wait isn’t jgoes cursed?

if jgoes dies theres 2 rooms next round and 1 is cultist so its not looking good for me and marshall lmao

P sure that jgoes is cursed

So he dies here no matter what

Wait no I think luck saves him

Jgoes is not cursed his wealthy canceled it out

didn’t he lose it to evil already?

it’s not like it matters anyways i don’t think

he did loose it but it was used to cancel out the cursed affect
therefore he has no affects rn

but i thought he got it from holy?

Oh fuck sorry

i actually don’t think it matters

because it’s gonna be me & jgoes in luck anyways
and so either he survives because of the luck thing and i do too because of saint, or he dies and i keep saint status

Changed it

gl bois
Now I fade away

i mean we could honestly rand it now

jgoes and I are locked into our choices.

hippo or nuc could? go luck but have no feasable reason not to go betrayal or divide respectively

If everyone message me that they are fine with skipping then I will skip

Has everyone skipped yet?

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unless one of y’all for whatever reason picks luck, can you pick your respectve rooms and just timeskip

Oh and yes. Secrecy was just the best shmuck bait. I just love when a plan comes together.

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