[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!


i swear, its gonna be all the quiet ones

if it’s a tie everyone in both dies btw

I stuck mystery since saint is basically an autowin

I thought I could risk it

only really bad one is cursed
others are fine (but poor is a little bad)

wealthy is pretty good IMO

which is why i wanted. cards

Also cultists is autowin

tru that’s really good

I tried to be loud in order to get people to not sheep me
Because even if I get cursed I’m pretty sure I can just join whoever picks protected

and check their vibe

lets get this bread gamers

I can swap right now just to spite you

no, you suck.

I ain’t gay

i will swap to life don’t test me


I’m fuckin doing it right now

just to let you know that there is less than 1 minute left
