[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

Wait, switch those around.

One of the rooms next round is always permanency
50/50 is better than very high likelihood of loss next round

I’m making a vc since I don’t want to be piled on and die

Oh and btw Jgoesgaming, HIppolytus, Emilia, Datbird, Nuclearburrito, and Gamerpoke now have a coin! :yellow_circle:


But I assure you that I’m going permanency

Anyone wanna join me in Evil? It’s not all that bad, I assure you.

these are the rooms that can potentially save cursed people

i think i know where i’m going but am gonna wait first

going Insanity

Only purity reliably works in this pile

room people howmany
Vault Napoleon, Marshal 2
Insanity Sulit, DatBird 2
Permanency ~Hippo, ~Em, Geyde 3
Evil Jgoes 1

4 players left

Anyway, I’m going to bed now, have to get up early tomorrow.


These rooms will also save a person (spite will just delay it)

Of remaining people, Luxy and Wazza can’t go permanency, which means they go to different rooms.
Someone is very likely to pick cursed due to it being safer as a result

Between Insanity and Vault (in terms of piling), Insanity is the best choice since even if it is maj, one person will survive

Why murder / secrecy?
SK / cultist status doesn’t state it removes other effects

This notation being special likely means that other status effect givers don’t remove status effects unless stated otherwise

also spite

If you pick up a new status affect it removes cursed

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oh fuck


