[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

Don’t tell anyone of the the secret 5th option

FYI for anyone thinking of being sneaky and choosing Permanency (other than em and hippo and me)
In order to guaranteed survive, at best 3 out of the 4 remaining players all need to choose insanity or evil

You all are probably thinking of going Vault because that seems like the best option. The issue is that everyone else thinks exactly like you do.


evil is clearly the best option

Look, the issue is that you made Vault look like the most appealing choice. Nice tactics

YOu are trying to make it majority

Also I’m not budging no matter what :slight_smile:

If everyone doesn’t pick vault then they’ll pick insanity :^)

I’m trying to fuck over everyone else
I really don’t care where’s good as long as I don’t die

What I’m saying to everyone is think twice before going in Vault.

Yes I wanna live but if you make the wrong choice you are going down with me :slight_smile:

Everyone who wants to live should gambit on Insanity in order to have a chance at living since being maj allows insane to live

Flooding vault just means death

No, you should not do that.

You’ll have that shot as well
People inevitably will go to vault in droves so I’m just laying down facts in order to avoid 3-3-3-3

I am going into vault

/replace out @Braixen

It’s been fun, but I’m out of these forums.

ok man see ya

Would anyone like to replace Wazza?



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