[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

marshal/jgoes/hippo are the oppressed gamer squad and nuclear is oppressing us


Look what happened

3/4 of the last 4 are marshalā€™s gamer squad members

R.I.P emelia.

Lmao I actually though you were Orange. The fact that Orange was suddenly hosting Vanilla shouldā€™ve probably tipped me off but it didnā€™t.

Iā€™m in Illusion.

Imma pick swappage and roll the dice too cuz a 1/6 chance of getting swapped out is probably higher than the number of rooms which illusion could be to save me from majority there.

@Hippolytus Dm me room choice

@Hippolytus You have 24 hours to send me room choice or iā€™ll mod kill you

He didnā€™t send one again?

This is Survivor all over again.

Oh fuck aprru



Swapage - Hippolytus, Marshal
Illusion - Jgoesgaming
[ Insurance ! ] - Nuclear

Swapage was actually False in disguise!
Illusion rolled Force !
Jgoesgaming was forced into False


False - Hippolytus, Marshal, Jgoesgaming (3)
Force - (0)
[ Insurance ! ] - Nuclear (1)

Marshall was saved from False by Nuclear Burrito!

@Marshal and @NuclearBurrito Win!

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Gg Marshal.



that was fun would play again

I like the partner version - ur in teams of 2 and if one of u wins u both win. Makes it strategical.


I think false was the real mvp it appeared 3 times lol

Yooooooo GG

Why did I choose mystery failfish

Can I host the next one? I have some ideaā€™s to make it more interesting.

Basically I want to put extra emphasis on the Insanity status, because that status is what makes the game turn from ā€œdonā€™t be the last one to declare a door and if you are the last one then choose who to take down with youā€ into an actual bluffing game.

You can do whatever your heart desires

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