[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

Screw you I called it 2nd.

I didnā€™t say anything when I joined the room, so I could have been the first one in there

I am going into protection leave me be

Neither did I.

I only said when I called it.

Actually this gives me an idea to use next time we have a Minority Rule.

Secretly give 1-2ish players insanity plus a mechanic that will try and keep insanity in play for awhile. This gives people a reason to lie about where they are going and thus adds an additional layer of WIFOM that doesnā€™t come from the rooms at all.

Iā€™m going mystery, get lost you asda chocolate bar stealers.

Luck isnā€™t on your side remember minority rule 3 lol

Good, Iā€™m going to get the Saint status and survive.



i wasnā€™t even born then

I meant minority rule 3 oops

Are you talking about me or someone else?


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Mystery gamer squad

But like, Lyfe

Um no

marshalā€™s gamer squad

with hippo as a lost wolf

I might join in man

No, itā€™s gamer time

if you do that will be 5 ppl in cards and almost a certain loss lul

Exactly, whoever I join loses so pick me!

I swear to god if any of you pick Mystery and itā€™s the majority Iā€™m being gravitied out the room.
Mark my words.