[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

Minority Rule 10

Welcome to Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition. I wanted to bring minority rule back because I loved playing it. This edition of minority rule is meant to encourage risk

How to play?
Every round, you will be given a list of rooms to choose from. PM me your pick privately. if you pick the room a majority of the players pick, you will be eliminated. If there is a tie, then both rooms are considered a majority and players who picked both are eliminated. The game will end once there are two or fewer players left. Do /Join to join. Feel free to PM or DM each other as long as you include me.


Betrayal - If this room is tied for the minority, it gains infinite picks and becomes the majority.
Cards - 50% of getting poor statuses or 50% of getting wealthy status. If only 1 person is in this room they will die.
Death - Everyone who picks this dies, even if it is not the majority.
Divide - Everyone who picks this counts as half.
Evil - All pickers become cursed.
False - This room does nothing, but it takes the name of another random room.
Force - A random person who did pick this will change to a random room in the current pool.
Gravity - A random person who did not pick this will change to this room.
Holy - A random picker becomes a saint. All other pickers become cursed.
Illusion - This room takes the effect of another secret item before the start of the round.
Insanity - A random picker becomes insane.
Insurance - If this room is the minority, a random person in this room will receive saint status and save a person from the majority room
Life - If nobody picks this, everybody dies.
Luck - If this room is the majority, then one random picker will survive. If this is not the majority, then one random picker will die.
Multiply - Everyone who picks this counts as two.
Mundane - This room literally does nothing.
Murder - One random picker becomes a Serial Killer
Mystery - All pickers gain random statuses.
Permanency - If picked by anyone, this room will also be in the pool for the next round.
Protection - All pickers are immune to death this round for any reason other than the majority. A random picker becomes a bodyguard.
Purity - Everyone who picks this loses all statuses.
Spite - A random picker will becomes cursed.
Secrecy - All pickers become cultists.
Swapage - Everyone who picks this room will have a 1/4 chance of swapping rooms with another person
Vault - If one person in this room has a status affect everyone will gain that status affect. Negative statuses take advantage over positive, saint does not work in this room.

Bodyguard - Nobody who picks the same room as you can die for any reason other than the majority. If anyone who would die without your intervention is saved, you will die instead.
Cultist - If there are any cultists, then there will be an item that only its members may pick. It will be denoted in [brackets].
Cursed- You will die next round unless your status is removed or your death is prevented. This status is removed afterwards.
Healthy - You are cannot receive any statuses until this one is removed. This removes all current statuses.
Insane - You must pick the majority or you will die.
Poor - Only gain access to 1/2 of the rooms. This last for 1 turn.
Saint- You are immune to death. Once your death is prevented by this status, this status will be removed.
Serial Killer - A random person who picks the same item as you will die.
Wealthy - Any negative status that are picked up are negated. This status is used once a negative status is picked up.

Special Rules

  1. If you are in the second most majority room you get a coin. Coins are used to break ties. If no one has a coin and there is a tie; both rooms will die.
  2. If you pick a room marked with a “!” you will be unable to pick the next room marked with “!”. Typically rooms that have positive benefits or are “safe” are marked with “!”.


Round 1 Rooms
Round 1 Results
Round 2 Rooms
Round 2 Results
Round 3 Rooms
Round 3 Results
Round 4 Rooms
Round 4 Results
Round 5 Rooms
Round 5 Results

Signups: (There is no limit)

  1. Marshal
  2. Jgoesgaming
  3. PoisonedSquid
  4. Hippolytus
  5. Sulit
  6. Napoleon
  7. Nuclear Burrito
  8. Emilia
  9. Datbird
  10. Geyde
  11. Luxy
  12. KyoDaz
  13. Gamerpoke
  14. n1
  15. Insanity


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/In excitedly.


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finally someone hosts one of these i swear someone was gonna do one ages ago


What are the times for the phases for this game?

72 hours


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I see you


I’ve heard this host is hiring janitors, and I’m ready to mop the floor with y’all.

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Ill post rooms in once we get 16 people

Should wait at least 24 hours to give people from every timezone a chance to join.

You only posted the OP 7 hours ago

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You can’t tell me what to do

Yes I can