[MISC] SCP - Mortality (closed)

you sure Luna? Even if you can’t be on full time, it will be still going.

how about this? You step out temporarily and if need be you can /out, but you can step back in if you want?


/summon Luna

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You attempted to summon Luna! It was:


Alert: Power is running at 90%.


What does that mean?

when it reaches 0%, all power in the facility will turn off. Certain SCP’s will certainly escape, including Keters.

(Going to sleep now)

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there was a door with a silver cross on it. It lead into the kitchen.


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Dr Boss has started the Lockdown. All doors are locked. A lvl4 keycard or higher Is required to open doors. ALL PERSONAL ARE TO HEAD TO NORTHGATE, FLOOR 5, OR EXIT DOOR, FLOOR 2.

70% power.

I understand that you don’t have time for this forum. The others have all (basically) escaped, so ill give you a choice.

  • End this forum
  • No! I can be active from now on!

0 voters

I am sorry but I really dont have any time

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I have made the decision to end this forum. Although the D-Class were mostly inactive, the second group(containing boss, dat, Simon, GamerPoke and even SCP-999) was very active. I am working on another MISC, which won’t be released yet, but it will be better, because I have a cohost.


Alright, I’ve made a decision. Me and my Dance partner cohost, Simon, are working on another MISC, but that won’t be ready for a while. Therefore, I’ve made a decision to make another. Like this comment to show support, 5 or more and I’ll make the signup thread.


((Boss is stalking me))

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For the ___ MISC game or something else?

Not that one. That’s the one me and Simon are currently working on.

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:wink: I’m considering a Saw type of MISC, but if anyone has better ideas, I’m all ears.


Saw is cool