[MISC] SCP - Mortality (closed)

/head back get another coffee return here WITHOUT DRINKING THE COFFEE

/look at coffee machine

it appeared to be a normal coffee machine.

I guess /sit down and wait by coffee machine since i cant seem to do anything else

just saying that the coffee machine is an scp

/dispense hot chocolate

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yeah i know

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the machine dispersed hot chocolate.

Finally, some good drinks

/dispense hot chocolate

suddenly, 173’s call came. It was very loud, it hurt.

So here’s my 300IQ strat:
We get all the paper cups from the machine, and build a wall around the vent
we then fill the area with water, and get some of that liquid nitrogen to freeze it
Ez vent access

/barricade door we shut him from

with tables and chairs in coffee area

173 was not in sight.

oh… we could have just used the chairs as a stepladder

there was a sound and the cry stopped.

what kind of sound?

the sound of a neck getting [REDACTED]

or SCP 173 getting broke

Lowkey realised the first D class to die becomes an MTF

Time to give 173 a big hug