[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

If PKR does not vote, the players below him do not have their votes locked no matter what

For voting Aelin

yā€™all are making this complicated for no reason.

Unofficial Votecount

Unlocked Votes = Bolded

Nominees Nominators Pardons Execute Count
Aelin Amelia Aelin, Marluxion Pigeon, Gorta, Cloned, Amelia, Wazza (x3), Eli 8
Gorta Cloned Gorta Cloned, Aelin, Amelia 3

Here you go then.

I blame GGhana

/Execute both
I mean, letā€™s do this I guess

Unofficial Votecount

Unlocked Votes = Bolded

Nominees Nominators Pardons Execute Count
Aelin Amelia Aelin, Marluxion Pigeon, PKR, Gorta, Cloned, Amelia, Wazza (x3), Eli 9
Gorta Cloned Gorta Cloned, Aelin, Amelia 3

Aelinā€™s execution can still be beaten unless I pardon which auto-locks.

brb stealing this

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Nominees Nominators Pardons Execute Count
Aelin Amelia Aelin, Marluxion Amelia, Wazza, Eli, Pigeon, PKR, Gorta, Cloned 9
Gorta Cloned Gorta Cloned, Aelin, Amelia 3

Ping us for wrong votes

Ok I just posted the same thing as Wazza reeee

you removed my x3, changed the order, (I put it in order of playerlist but makes sense to change that) but you gotta readd the bolds for the unlocked votes since thatā€™s the main point :^)

Well I mean it still counts and stuff weh


If I pardon Gorta then the day doesnā€™t end early.

Let me try a new format for votecountā€¦

Nominees Nominators Votes Count
Aelin Amelia Amelia, Wazza, Eli, Marl, Pigeon, PKR, Gorta, Cloned, Aelin 9
Gorta Cloned Cloned, Aelin, Amelia 3

they do smh

woo, colouring book.


please bold the names

they look terrible when not-bolded

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Like this? ;^)

Nominees Nominators Votes Count
Aelin Amelia Amelia, Wazza, Eli, Marl, Pigeon, PKR, Gorta, Cloned, Aelin 9
Gorta Cloned Cloned, Aelin, Amelia 3

And now Wazza is trying to wiggle her way out of shooting Eli, pfft.

Iā€™d say to maybe take a second and re-evaluate and consider what the fuck theyā€™re saying

I was about to list it but I actually have no idea what theyā€™re saying anymore

  • Iā€™m demon and Gorta is covering up for me, or - Marl is demon and is going to starpass tonight, no clue tbh tbh.
    My best guess is that Wazza will shoot Marl tonight and call it a star pass and then push some more agenda.