[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

Anyways, since I had to say it apparently.

The Hell’s Librarian is now in play

Since it is approaching the final day. I have decided in the interest of sanity to allow night skipping. When the night ends will be arbitrary to prevent angleshooting.

Night skipping.
  • Skip tonight
  • Do not skip tonight.

0 voters

@thepigeonnyc has travelled away!

pssst GGhana I updated the title but you should probably update the Op thread since Eli dead and Pigeon left

A player has revealed the Sacred Texts!

The night has now ended early.

Flavour bot 9000 preparing flavour. You may not speak.

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A Daemonologist’s Studies, Edtioeonn: VII

Published Circa 88817

Chapter 7: Wizards

Wizards are greater devils or demons skilled in the arts of Chronomancy and dimension-crafting. Wizards, unlike most other demons are former mortal beings who either through intense study, or a supernatural and a stroke of fate or divine/demonic intervention (generally only demons would do something as reckless as showing a mere mortal the truth behind the realities of time and space. Thus most Wizards are demons rather than devils.)

Because they are still fundamentally mortal, Wizards keep many of the same drives as mortals, and thus act more like humans with ultimate arcane power rather than true devils/demons. This generally is not true for Arch-Wizards, this sub species is very distinct from regular Wizards and thus will be discussed in the next chapter.

Wizards are all gifted with a pocket dimension perfectly suited to them and their needs at all times. This dimension is generally referred to as “the Heart.” All further pocket dimensions are based on the heart. Further pocket dimensions based inside pocket dimensions requires an even further knowledge of spatial magic that even Wizards lack. A regular pocket dimension may be destroyed, but all pocket dimensions will need to be destroyed for the Heart to be destroyed

Wizards require constant conflict to keep their demonic energies satisfied. Thus a wizard will need to keep themselves occupied otherwise their energies will consume them.

Wizards upon their transformation receive a title and “arcane facets.” These arcane facets represent the studies or interests of the Wizard. These may range from general subjects such as “love” or “death” to very specific subjects such as “uranium” or “codfish”

This next section will be focused on one example of a wizard named Sussus Amogus, Master of Deceit, Paranoia and Salt.

I have spent 4 years secretly studying this wizard after I located a weakness in his pocket dimension (his reliance on mortal servants created a hole that I could utilize.) This wizard is the master of the dimension “Ravenswood Bluff” and feeds off of an intellectual conflict with one particular servant named Nyaomi.

I managed to successfully record an encounter between the two, and it is written below. This encounter began in the Wizards private study in his tower. And because of the danger that being in this space requires I unfortunately could only record this one encounter before I had to make my escape.

It begins when Nyaomi violently enters the study by kicking down the door. Nyaomi appears like a normal human girl, but her cat ears, yellow skin, and tear drop tattoos on her cheeks swiftly shatter that illusion. I notice that this is the first time I have ever seen Nyaomi in the Wizard’s realm, which I found unusual for a common servant. Although considering how most servants would never be allowed to kick down the door into their master’s room. I decide it’s not worth wondering about right now. Suddenly Nyaomi shouts at the top of her lungs “Awwight uwu bastawd! youwe going down tuwu cwown town!”

Suddenly a chessboard appears on the board. Although this board seems very unusual, as Black’s half of the board is missing its pieces, while on White’s side there are only 5 pieces, and all except for 6 pawns are missing. All 6 pieces are located in the Rank 2, all next to each other.

Suddenly the wizard appears in the room, and silently sits down on Black’s side of the board. 2 pawns and a King appear in the back of the board. The king is located on the far left of the board (A8 to be exact) while the 2 pawns are located in Rank 7.

Suddenly in a flash of an instant, all of White’s pieces are knocked to the ground, while Black’s King and one of Black’s pawns are still standing. “Checkmate” the wizard mutters

“How! how did uwu duwu thawt! my pieces wewe pewfect! uwu cheating son of a cheat!” Nyaomi screams. The wizard casually responds, “You really need to learn to not be such a sore loser, maybe if you weren’t, you wouldn’t spend so long in time out!”

“Anyways, I’m sure we both have better things to do. Well I certainly do. I’m not sure if you’d do anything fun down there.”

whoever is reading this is breathing manually

Suddenly, Nyaomi screams at the top of her lungs “How bout uwu pwove uwu didn’t cheat befowe uwu wun uwu cowawd!” The wizard looks bemused.

“Alright, sure then.”

“Let’s start with your townsfolk, firstly we have your Empath, who although they received true information on one of my pieces, unfortunately could not get them killed”

“Next we have your Fortune Teller, who was tricked by your recluse and my Evil Gunslinger, you can’t blame me for a decision you made of course.”

“Finally we have your Mayor, who never triggered as there was never few people alive for it to trigger. There is no possible way for me to have control over this of course as seen in the contract.”

“Finally your outsiders, your choice of outsiders hampered your pieces much more than you expected I’m guessing. Your Recluse interfered with your fortune teller while your drunk Investigator, although receiving true information on one of my pieces. Sadly came to the wrong conclusion. Again, I had no control over this.”

“And now, my pieces. My Baron forced you as per the terms of the contract to put in outsiders that hampered your team. While my Chloe’s bluffs managed to allow them to fly under the radar.

“And the travellers, you went for the Bureaucrat, this was your fatal mistake. My Gunslinger managed to cause enough chaos against your pieces that it ensured my victory.”

“Good enough for you? Now get out of my sight.”

In the interest of good taste, and for those more weak in stomach I have decided to redact what happened to Nyaomi, but it was as the more vulgar would put it.

Pretty Fucking Nasty.

However since these conflicts seem to be the only source of the Wizard’s power I’m sure this won’t be the last time such a game happens.

Anyways, on a final note…

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@PokemonKidRyan has been permanently suspended after being end-gamed.

Do not attempt to appeal for this user.

@clonedcheese has been permanently suspended after being shot in the chest.

Do not attempt to appeal for this user.

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There is a team that has won…

Congratulations to Wazza and Marluxions team

The Evil Team!


Congratulations @Wazza (Evil Gunslinger) @Marluxion (Evil Chloe) and @EliThePsycho (Evil Baron)

You are victorious.


You may now speak. The game has ended.


I trusted Wazza, oh well.

I need to do calculations for myself instead of trying to rely on others I trust.

Moderators Notes:

theres a lot of very colourful stuff that I could say about this game

but i wont because im nice

all I’ll say is you had an alive mayor and you executed in final 4 in a 1 minion game.

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I may or may not have realised as soon as I executed, that I was an idiot.


I solved the game d1 lol

rand here

btw I had to read this long ass flavour to suffer with so so do y’all

btw what do you think of all the misspellings

you will all suffer with me

This was literally a day into D1 (not correct until):