[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

Why can’t the red be on cloned

pigeon evil bureaucrat with cloned as Demon :flushed:

NOOOOO don’t nominate me for exile :sob:

Exe Aelin or yall are cowards and scared of me

That’s not a very nice thing to do :frowning:

/whisper @Marluxion
I won’t warn you again.

Answer the whisper. You know you’re not scum and it’s your info, I trust you and I got info I cannot publicly state. The whisper won’t take long

Nothing against you, just doing my job

sure feels like there’s something against me

I just realized that could be taken VERY wrongly

I mean, I literally said the first nomination must be executed by everyone since it’s my job to kill people who vote execute on the first nomination.

Oh, I’ve been nominated already?

Yes I nominated you :wowee:

Marl. Accept. The. Whisper.

i’m leaving for my friends house for 2 days if the storykeeper loves fun they’ll kill me bye

I’m a confirmed Traveler, you literally have no reason not to accept a whisper from me?

By the way nominations have opened like… 4 hours ago… I don’t think GGhan or Leafia have mentioned this yet

Not without solid info. What’s with people being so cryptic in BotF?

Leafia mentioned it

That sure is a yikes and definitely not indicative of you being evil, Amelia :slight_smile: