[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

This is so aggressive.

I want to nominate Amelia but that’s Aelin’s job

Forum lag go brrr >:(


my post was a joke but nice

My defense is: sussus amogus
But also Amelia is most likely evil, considering that even from game start they’ve been trying to kill me, even fake claiming my role to cloned which was a wowee moment

ur not deviant

A Legion member would do just that, as… that’s by far the most optimal Legion play

That post was a meme

I understand that, but the whole thing (claiming Investigator, claiming that a Fortune Teller has weirdly convenient results despite nobody claiming Fortune Teller), is a very Legion thing to do


Why did…

angry amelia noises

I do not deny this. I am an Empath with a 1, I was bluffing investigator to avoid the nightkill

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Ah yes

Pigeon, I’ve already explained why FT wouldn’t want to come out so early, it’s really simple to understand

Not really when it’s a likely Legion game

… which would align with Wazza being evil Gunslinger, and it logically not being a legion game

I will play just not much more than I have today :^) I’ll be back day 2

I’ve met the minimums

Except I wasn’t lying about those FT results nerd

Also even if I weren’t leaving I’d still not accept your whisper

Rules are rules


Whispering is openwolfing

But openwolfing is NAI

Alright Amelia Aelin thunderdome still a thing and Amelia is susser than ever. Let me look at Amelia’s whisper history

Alright then