[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

Plausible enough, I suppose

Anyway! I was lying about being empath, by the way, although the way this went I think I’ve gotten my answer by now~

/execute aelin
/execute gorta



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/pardon Gorta

I’m curious as to why you guys are so trigger happy~

i just wanted to post that meem

Pigeon is evil traveller with Gorta Demon and Aelin Minion.
Just going to call it now for post game cred.

I’m not actually sold on this but like Pigeon has been misinterpreting things and I cannot tell if it’s on purpose or not and they’re trying to have Gorta live more than Aelin

ur still Evil tho

Thats not very pogchamp of you :frowning:

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votes aren’t locked don’t worry

This is the fastest I’ve ever been able to tell someone they’re wrong :blue_heart:

Well unless I got poisoned but then cheese isn’t poisoned and has a ping


By the way I think Leafia and GGhana are both dead right now and I’m gonna be busy playing Splunky so ping me for any nominations or votes

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Hum hum hummmmm
Should I claim? It might be logical…

Oh yeah I can now bully intensify with his title

“How can one of the most misguided people be a community guide when they need a guide for the simplest of things?”


why do you think I got Judge over him

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How can a squiggle wiggle if it needs a mcbiggle