[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN


8 hours away.

9 pm

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Yo Wazza I know you can nominate too but if you ever need me hmu this game

I feel like we just nominate Eli here

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Based on what we went through it does seem like thereā€™s no other real possibility.

Smh GGhana.

That was a joke, of course I totally knew Travellerā€™s could nominate, happy April fools


I cook a mean lasagna

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Four days too late.

Uhhā€¦ well ummā€¦ in Canada, our calendars are 4 days behind you see soooā€¦ itā€™s April Fools here get rekt


my girlfriend said this isnā€™t true

which means youā€™re lying to me

Damn intensify how could u

Ur Grillfriend is lying then

I will nominate you.


Am I legally allowed to nominate the storyteller after you nom eli wazza

What happens if we execute a ST?

we lose.

youā€™re dead lol

Iā€™m Zombuul you canā€™t stop me