[MISC] Superfight - Round 6, Phase 2 - CANNED

is this your rhino

looks like one rhino to me

Like realistically if we counting them of having that attack speed paladin thing it doesnt give them move speed, they still the same speed they just chew like extremely fast

I think like the rhino aint dying but the twins prop would die, and then its a matter of like 30ish dinos versus big ass rhino, and im like idk

well of course
maybe he knows shadow clone jutsu

how smart are twins?

we have no clue but i gave them 20 kills if they were like peak performance

how Ghana wins this fight

rhino spins

rhino starts ejecting body solids/liquid from every orifice

rhino kills all the t rexes with the spin/balistic bodily fluids

20 trex kills is a lot especially when blinded

is that an actual thing rhinos can do to lethal effect

30 trexes versus tall rhino is like where im at.

think about this
twins can hide around the rhino and take pot shots

I’m going to interpret the rhino as not being 100 stories by 100 stories, but PRETTY damned wide.
Otherwise the rhino just becomes rhino spaghetti.

I traded the blinding effect for the attack speed buff, these dinos are purely just buffing each other, or potentially the rhino if they really wanted to

if the rhino is any long or wide, then trexes can’t win lol


the rhino is maximally wide so while it’s spinning the fluids kill any stragglers


so t rex is like

rhino x 100 stories x 100 stories in terms of demensions
super fucking wide / tall no depth

No I already declared that the rhino is maximally wide

that’s what wide is
you can be wide while not being long

Therefore beyblade rhino should kill as many Dinos as it possibly can

wait but you didn’t say it was deep, so it’s just a rhino parachute
my dinos could easily chew a rhino parachute to shreds

Oh I get you now

For some reason I thought you meant the height