[MISC] Superfight - Round 6, Phase 2 - CANNED

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Well wheres the line, is this stupidly op?

is what

But cause if this allowed rhino has 0 challenger

the telekinesis


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I donā€™t really know what weā€™re playing anymore lol

this game is now just a pissing contest

oh wait we already knew that

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consider this
time out is a legitimate victory condition

rhino is so bulky that twins have enough time to clean up the dinos

yes, thatā€™s dumb. i veto that.

and no, thereā€™s no defined mertic because thatā€™s impossible

it is so large which results in it having so much blood
dinos not smart enough to focus the twins

although the telekenisis can rip off limbs, with enough effort. just takes a while

but what im saying this is a pissing contest that occassionally has a no u to it, the telekinesis is so undefined that theres like no metrics to work off of

dino limbs, human limbs? how much time?

doesnā€™t matter, but long enough to give the t-rex a chance

dino limbs

what else would it be

it takes a hell of a lot of force to rip an arm off
I think itā€™d be more efficient for them to just knock the dinos into each other and cause a knockdown effect

Eli, please make up your mind on what we can interpret and what we canā€™t.


rhino spins

because it is the maximum width it kills everything including all the dinos

you can interpret anything that isnā€™t clearly defined

most of the cards are clearly defined

unless itā€™s stupidly OP in which case i veto it

and from now on iā€™m only going to be vetoing, not establishing

what the fuck does this mean