[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

Let me check one sec.

I always voted with Hippo and Squid so I think I did.

how have you guys made yourselves be here

By sticking with my team and not backstabbing them.

Well, you seeā€¦

I wanted eevee/pkr out but simon didnt yet cuz they were big shields so marshall got yeeted.

I think that was a good decision tbh i reckon marshall coulda gone deeep



Any more questions yet?

Also I say anyone in this game can ask questions, jury or not.

Also let the finalist present opening statements before questions

my apologies

okay thx for the honesty.

My vote will not go to Teleology for betraying the cult alliance and being so open about it and honestly i keep the grudge.


Name 1 reason you deserve to win, and one thing your competitor did that makes them worthy to win the game

not how you rode here.
how did you engineer it such that your being here is no act of chance.
what active action did you take

waz go first i guess?

nah its just who posts first



I had 2 final 3 alliances, 1 with squid and waz and one with tele abd Isaac. Both were super loyal and its no coincedence the final 5 consisted of me and everyone in my final deals.

A big move was at final 10 having tele and isaac vote out you Simon, but i voted with squid u and waz even though I knew you were going home and wanted u gone. The second u were gone I made a group chat with waz and squid solidifying a final 3 and i had no blood on my hands cuz i never actually voted u out.

This meant at final 9 i had myself and 4 ppl who i was strong allies with. 5/9 is majority and everyone who wasnt in a final 3 with went home one by one.

(The reason i wanted u gone was cuz u were leading our alliance and i knew i didnt wanna go to the end with u anyway cuz you would win. Sorry)

Read my post i just did about why i deserve.

Waz deserves cuz they were always loyal and never stopped being themself.

Okay. Iā€™m going to tell you why I should win, but itā€™s not really why I should win because Iā€™m bad at that. But I might as well try. But first Iā€™ll explain what happened between the Unseen.

My goal to get to the finale was because of what happened between my Unseen Tribe, or well old Unseen Tribe. After everyone had left us, me, Simon, Hippo and Squid stuck together. When Simon went out, that was the first shock of the game for me. I wasnā€™t expecting it at all and I had a feeling none of my Unseen had anything to do with the elimination. So when I got told that we should vote out Simon as heā€™s a threat to me, Hippo and Squid, I was devastated because he had just came back, but I complied with it because what other choice did I have.

So I voted Simon, sticking with my team and then Simon went out. A Few votes later, we were at the top, I had got immunity and Squid was trying to get the idol (Which I eventually got and got here). I was so sure that us 3 would be in the final together, happy. I didnā€™t care about winning at all. But then the shocker came, Squid went out. Hippo explained why he voted Squid to me but I didnā€™t care. I didnā€™t get annoyed I just told him how disappointed I was about it, but I promised him not to vote him out.

I had to win the challenge, I had to get to the finale for Squid, I felt so bad for her and I just wanted to be here, so when I lost the challenge, I instantly set out to win the idol, took me an hour but eventually I got it. It was a really tough idol but the clues eventually made sense. So thatā€™s how Iā€™m here, I promised no betrayal and I stuck with that.

Now then, thatā€™s my opening speech of why and how Iā€™m in the finale.
TL;DR: I rode the backs of my Unseen, thinking we were together as a squad, we had 4, Simon was voted out, not by me, Squid or Hippo and then Squid was voted out in a move that hurt me the most. Knowing how close I was to the finale, I had to push through and decided to actually try, knowing I might have a chance of winning.

Good luck to @Hippolytus and @Teleology. Iā€™m just glad to be here.

Oof i feel like waz just read my post about me wanting simon out at f10 and hes typing and angery response