[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]


Kai Probst snuffs Marshal’s torch and Marshal leaves the tribal council area

Well, tonight clearly was a wild ride. Get some rest…and I’ll see you at immunity.

Once again, this much is clear. NOBODY IS SAFE


Take your stuff and head on back to camp…

Welcome Survivors for another Tribal, yada yada yada. Fire equals life. Jeff Probst yada yada. Yall have 24 hours to cast in ya vote for eviction. GET TO IT SURVIVORS. PKR has individual immunity. 2019-10-02T00:30:00Z


We will now bring in the members of our jury… @Marshal , voted out last tribal council

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Oh shit can I do jury reactions with emojis?


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yall can talk in here, if you want


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Btw I didn’t see Jgo’s score for the challenge?

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Uhh let me go update that. Prob just missed it

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Fixed btw

Honestly I kinda knew how many of those answers would go.
But at the same time it makes me… disappointed.
I should no longer be seen as a threat to you all, since you guys voted me as the one you want to go.

Not gonna lie.

Slightly insulted.

(Despite the fact I voted myself for the first 2)

Lets see who voted who to release the mega beef

For all the questions?
I just voted who I thought other people would vote.
Did everyone else actually answer those questions honestly?


I literally thought the challenge was Sheep where you need to vote what others vote.
Then for my answers I said just to reuse what I put because I put what I believe are the most popular answers.

I voted the questions honestly ;-;

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