[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

…what does Troyzan mean?

I’d be a much better fit for that name for… reasons


The only reason I’m being ‘Too Nice’ in the finale is because what else do you want me to do? Not be myself?

he was a player in both s21(i think) and s34.

I think your play and f3 are pretty similar.

I’m…still confused.

You’ve sorta… just gone with your alliance until the end. I want to see some nastiness. some moves.

hippo positioned himself well. You would have been snapped out of existence at his whim if not for the idol.

One sec, I’m going to get my quote from literally the start of the game.

Also, excuse me? The idol was the one thing me and Hippo both knew I needed to stay into this. Hippo wanted me to win the challenge and everything. Hippo literally leaked some of the answers too me.

I wanted waz to win so we could vote out tele lol.

Tele would be gone if they didnt win immunity.

yes, because he knows he beats you easier at the f3 compared to isaac or tele.

Yeah, and that’s called playing the game correctly. And that’s why I respect Hippo as much as I’m disappointed about the elimination of Squid.

I think some of my answers i leaked to u were wrong btw cuz i sucked in that challenge. I forgot kyo played his idol on magnus.

99% sure yours was right but I don’t remember nor do I care at this point.

Okay I couldn’t find it but I said something along the lines of:
‘Betrayal isn’t my thing’
With some other corny message.

I see tele as a hard betrayer.
You as a hard alliance-keeper.

and hippo as the perfect medium.

I think you played well, but my vote is going to hippo in the end.

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I’m not going to try and convince you further. You have good reasons to vote Hippo.

whats s34

Season 34 maybe? Idk

of what?
like what has 34 seasons?